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Carpet store - opening hours

Carpet store - opening hours

Dear customers, please familiarize yourself with our store opening hours at the address Kyiv, Academician Vernadsky Boulevard 26 from May 1-12:

01 (Wed) - Day off

02 (Thu) - Open from 10:00-15:00

03 (Fri) - Open from 10:00-15:00

04 (Sat), 05 (Sun), 06 (Mon) - Weekends

07 (Tue) - Open from 10:00-15:00

08 (Wed) - Open from 10:00-15:00

09 (Thu) - Day off

10 (Fri) - Open from 10:00-17:00  

11 (Sat) - Open from 10:00-15:00

12 (Sun) - Day off

The shopping cart on the website is open 24 hours a day. All orders will be processed within the business days listed above. Our managers will contact you to confirm your orders.

We wish you pleasant holidays and weekends.

The weather for the May holidays will be positive, so most people will go out into the forest to have a barbecue :) we would like to remind you that the level of fire danger in the forests will reach its maximum, be extremely careful about starting a fire in the forest.

Корзина пуста :'(
Name Quantity
Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 грн
Total: 1234 грн