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Carpets in Kyiv are now in a new quality

Carpets in Kyiv are now in a new quality
New quality carpets have appeared in Kyiv. We brought exclusive quality Turkish carpets - Ottoman. Carpets have a density of 1.2 million dots per square meter. After all, it is known that the denser the carpet, the better quality it is. And it doesn’t matter what material it is made of: polypropylene, acrylic, wool or silk. Ottoman carpet, made of polypropylene thread. Characteristic properties include: antistatic carpets (not electrified), environmental standards are acceptable. Due to their good density, these carpets do not bunch up or get trampled. The pile is also non-flammable, that is, if a cigarette accidentally falls, the carpet will not flare up or catch fire. Polypropylene carpets are antibacterial. Ottoman carpets are light-resistant under the influence of light rays from the sun. And the last property of carpets is moisture resistance. They can be thrown into damp rooms such as a basement, balcony, bathroom, or cottage. You can buy carpets in Kiev through the shopping cart on the website or by calling our consultants. And you don’t have to worry about how to clean the carpets; due to their good density, they will be cleaned perfectly!! You can also clean them yourself. After all, they are not afraid of moisture. Wet them with water, apply Vanish foam, if there are special stains, it is better to clean them with foam and rub them well with a brush, wait for drying and vacuum them. Your rug will be like new.
Корзина пуста :'(
Name Quantity
Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 грн
Total: 1234 грн